How We Choose Our Plants
Our plant collection represents a tiny fraction of plants available to landscapers and gardeners worldwide. With a very few exceptions, we sell plants that are cold-hardy in Lexington. That fundamental and reasonable decision reduces the cultivars we can sell down to tens of thousands. So, beyond hardiness, what qualities lend a plant space on our modest-sized property?
Standbys earn their way into our offering. We want to offer what you have come to rely on.
Promising introductions are welcome. Whether rescued from obscurity, hybridized, selected, or otherwise, we are open to exciting new plant varieties.
We reward toughness. Kentucky weather can be brutal in the extreme.
Native plants are awesome. Unless they are finicky beyond measure, we consider them.
For the most part, everything we sell possesses at least one of the four qualities listed above, and usually more. Especially toughness, a near requisite for the Kentucky landscape.
However, we do make exceptions. Occasionally we'll offer a limited quantity of plants that are tender, or forgotten. We do this because there is something about them that is just great.
Beyond our core priorities, we value:
- Attractiveness
- Foliage integrity
- Utility
- Form
- Longevity
- Ease of culture
- Fragrance
- Wildlife habitat
- Compatibility