Carex oshimensis 'Everillo'
The EverColor® series of sedges brings bright looks and personality to the party. With neat, flowing habits and evergreen foliage, EverColor® selections stand out in containers and as groundcovers. Selections in the series are easy to grow and colorful year-round. While tolerant of moist to dry conditions, they dislike being waterlogged and do best in moist, well-drained soils. They are well-suited to shade and can take some sun in cooler climates. Pat Fitzgerald, of Fitzgerald Nurseries, Ltd. in Ireland, developed this fun series out of old favorite, C. oshimensis ‘Evergold’.
‘Everillo’ sports lime green foliage that progresses to a bright, golden yellow. Sun exposure intensifies the yellow, while shade pushes foliage toward chartreuse. Everillo Sedge adds a burst of color to mixed container plantings, garden beds, and borders, especially in winter months.
- Cool season
- Lime yellow foliage
- 1 foot
- Insignificant flowers
- Shade-part sun
- Moist-dry
- Zones 6-8
- Origin: Japan