Phlox paniculata 'Jeana'
We received Phlox 'Jeana' unlabeled, by accident. I recognized it as a Phlox paniculata but was unable to name it until it bloomed. Then I noticed the tiny pink inflorescence, and looked it up. We only have about 15 as of now, but I will be ordering more. It is a remarkable plant. —Whit
From Mt, Cuba research center: 'Phlox paniculata ‘Jeana’ was one of the top-performing cultivars in the first year of the trial. Not only was it completely free of powdery mildew, but the floral display was one of the best. With coverage reaching 100% and a peak bloom period of nine weeks (four was average), ‘Jeana’ had both a prolific and long lasting floral display. However, the most exciting part of this cultivar is that it was by far the most popular with butterflies. Out of the many butterflies that visited the phlox trial, the bulk of them would be on ‘Jeana’, and they would stay there for much longer periods of time than they would on other cultivars. This is particularly fascinating because ‘Jeana’ has very tiny flowers, much smaller than any other garden phlox, including the straight species.'
H: 58"
W: 42"
Blooms mid-July – mid-September.